Guiding Philosophy Goals and Objectives of Monterey
Monterey's Guiding Philosophy, Goals and Objectives
What is Monterey's guiding philosophy?
Monterey Community School explores the paradigms of highly effective practice and results through a transformational framework. We focused on leadership and learning by:
- Creating a culture of trust and engagement.
- Empowering students to lead their own lives and make a difference for others.
- Providing students tools and learning opportunities to achieve their goals and dreams.
- Developing student voice and ownership.
Through these learning experiences and educational leadership our students impact our community and beyond.
What impact has our philosophy had on our school?
- Two years ago, Monterey moved from being an academic improvement school to a performance school based on Colorado Department of Education School Performance Framework.
- District Measure of Academic Progress continues to indicate a strong growth trend academically.
- Based on PBIS data, student behavior referrals, suspensions and expulsions have decreased significantly at Monterey since 2019
- Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado survey results indicated 13.0-point increase from the year before in overall school satisfaction and growth.